Trend Micro Security Roundup
VARINDIA- INDIA'S FRONTLINE IT MAGAZINE This quarter saw a significant shift in the way the security industry approaches targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats, which are now viewed more as a long-term, ongoing campaign versus the typical "smash-and-grab incidents" favoured by cybercriminals in the past, according to the Trend Micro Q1 2012 Security Roundup Report. The report also noted that cybercriminals who launch APTs will often keep track of the different attacks within a campaign in order to determine which individual attack compromised a specific victim's network. The Lucky cat campaign, in particular, attacked a diverse set of targets using a variety of malware, some of which have been linked to other cyber-espionage campaigns. New social networking site, Pinterest, gained not just popularity but also notoriety. Site users were drawn into "re-pinning" a Starbucks logo to get supposed gift cards but instead got malware. This quarter's t...