Yahoo! India kicks off “HACK U” at IIT-Bombay
VARINDIA- INDIA'S FRONTLINE IT MAGAZINE Yahoo! India R&D has announced hosting an exciting university program for engineering students from top university campuses of India. The event was named “Hack U” which was held for the students of the Computer Science Department at IIT-Bombay. The event was participated by over 160 students and 31 demos of cool ideas and prototypes were showcased at the event in just 24 hours. Held over a period of three days, Hack U at IIT- Bombay kicked off with a series of hack-related presentations, followed by a non-stop 24-hour hacking competition by the students. During this time, students got an opportunity to attend interesting tech talks, receive hacking tips and lessons by the Tech Team of Senior Developers and Engineers at Yahoo. These hack prototypes demonstrated by the students ranged from hacks focussed on content enrichment and quality to recommendation systems based on social signals and sentiment analysis. Most of the h...