RB launches crazieR Brands- collection of mini games
VARINDIA- INDIA'S FRONTLINE IT MAGAZINE Reckitt Benckiser (RB) has launched a collection of fun and easy-to-play online and mobile mini games called crazieR Brands. These games are available on RB.com and players have the opportunity to win an exciting and unforgettable trip for two, worth nearly 8,000 pound, to one of eight destinations worldwide - including New York, Cape Town, Bangkok, Barcelona, Switzerland, Iceland, Brazil or India. The crazier Brands suite of games is available on iPhone and Android, putting RB squarely in the sweet-spot of its target demographic. Indeed, roughly 70% of this young careerist demographic owns a smart phone, and 81% of them play mobile games on a weekly basis. The games are available on www.rb.com/crazierbrands and are supported by a social media seeding strategy which targets relevant gaming portals, news groups and communities. In order to start playing and enter to win the amazing global adventure, participants simply need to leave their sc...