Samsung enhances "Smarter Life Concept" in India
VARINDIA- INDIA'S FRONTLINE IT MAGAZINE Celebrating its growing success in Southwest Asia, Samsung Electronics has outlined its regional strategy and 2011 product portfolio at the inaugural Southwest Asia Regional Forum. Innovations in Internet-connected TVs, consumer-inspired digital cameras and the latest mobile technology, combined with plans for developing Samsung's regional market presence, were laid out in the context of Samsung's unifying principle - the Smarter Life. J. S. Shin, President, Samsung Electronics Southwest Asia, defined the pillars of Samsung's Smarter Life philosophy as Smart Design, Smart Experiences and Smart Connections. "Smart Design would create intuitive designs that increase functionality for consumers, followed by Smart Experiences that aim to provide a wide variety of applications, games and programming delivered on a broad range of platforms through bright and dynamic screens. As part of Smart Connections, Samsung devices would auto...