880,000 payment cards compromised through travel portal

It is absolutely fact that sharing the credit/debit card detail with any website is not at all secure. Whatever the best website it is they can’t claim on it is safe. If anything wrong happens is there is any penalty clause attached to it.

There is certain top company websites, they have designed the format in such a way that you need to auto renew the monthly/quarterly and annual subscription. One foolish thing one should never do is fighting with them, on we didn’t click the option for renewal.

There are 95% of the people they never take the record/print-out of what they have subscribed. Even though u have taken the printout, when you will challenge , their answer is weather we have signed or received acknowledgment. Since, the subscriber never bother to argue over the small amount what they pay for their Business or entertainment related social media accounts, in the fear of loosing the contacts and social reputation/image....Read More 


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