Strengthening the AMP ecosystem
Accelerated Mobile Page ( AMP) is a project from Google and Twitter designed to make really fast mobile pages. At its essence, it's basically a stripped-down form of HTML, a diet HTML if you will. fundamentally, it's an HTML page designed to be super lightweight and critically designs really fast loading. So Google, Twitter, a bunch of other companies have rolled this out — kind of in response to projects like the Facebook Instant Articles project from Facebook and Apple News and so forth. This is designed to be the open response. So it's open source, and there are all kinds of elements of openness to the project.
Everyone knows that Google is a giving high priority for Mobile-friendly pages. While everyone was busy in making mobile friendly pages, Google comes up with the great open source initiative called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). There are two benefits behind this important initiative is Quick Read Carousel showing up in search engine results and higher ranking factor. Browsing on mobile while moving will mean that your internet speed will be not always fast. So it’s the best option optimize the mobile browsing experience of for all users. AMP pages load 4x times faster and use 8x fewer data when compared to regular web pages.
A strong network of AMP contributors and collaborators has been critical to achieving the project’s mission of building a user-first web. At Google’s I/O developer conference this week, members of the AMP team are sharing recent ways the AMP community has come together to improve key elements of the AMP ecosystem.....Read More
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